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Trabalhos premiados

Prêmio Prof. Dr Elisaldo Carlini – Melhor Trabalho Científico na Área

Apresentador: João Aurílio Cardoso de Moraes

Avaliação da eficácia clínica da pomada de Cannabis rica em tetrahidrocanabinol em pacientes com epidermólise bolhosa hereditária: um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego e placebo controlado

Prêmio Prof. Padre Ticão de Melhor Iniciativa Social na Área

Apresentador: Marianna Laíze Dos Santos

Cannabis Medicinal no Sistema Único de Saúde: experiência de Búzios/RJ como modelo

para outros municípios do Brasil

Anais dos trabalhos

1. Dates for the reception of papers


1.1 The deadline for receipt of papers will be July 5, 2023, validating the date of completion and submission of the electronic form. There will be no extension of this deadline. Submission of papers is free of charge and not linked to registration in the congress.


2. Place for submitting papers.


2.1 Papers should be submitted online using the electronic form available on the event site (


3. Of the judging commission


3.1 The papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the II International Conference on Medicinal Cannabis.


3.2 Preference will be given to unpublished papers, not yet presented in other congresses.


3.3 Only original papers or case reports will be accepted. Literature reviews, even if systematic, will not be considered in the analysis nor accepted.


3.4 The communication about the approval or rejection will be by e-mail, informed in the registration, until July 20, 2023.


4. About the Abstract works


4.1 One of the authors must be registered at the II Conferência International da Cannabis Medicinal (CICMED) until July 27, 2023. If the author is not the presenter of the paper, the presenter should also be registered. The registration fee will follow the progressive schedule established for the event.


4.2 The abstract must have a maximum of 350 words and strictly obey the formatting rules announced below. Abstracts outside the standardization will not be considered for analysis.


4.3 Title:

Include in a rectangle the full title of the paper, first letter in uppercase and the rest in lowercase, subject to the rules of Portuguese for the use of capital letters.


4.4 Authors:

Write the authors' names in full: the names will be separated from each other by a comma. Ex: Ribeiro Machado, Flávia; Salomão, Reinaldo; Clinton, Bill. The name of the presenter should be underlined.


4.5 Affiliation:

Only the main institution of each author should be listed, with NO mention of the author's function within this institution. Only one institution may be cited per author. Write the name in full, abbreviation between dashes (if applicable), city (state), country. Example: Anesthesiology Discipline, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP - São Paulo (SP), Brazil.


4.6 Abstract text:

For original articles, use paragraphs in the subdivisions (Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion, written in bold, lowercase with the first letter capitalized). Do not put introduction or discussion as separate items. Only these four items will be considered, and the rest of the text will be deleted.


Case reports should contain a brief introduction, case description and comments, without paragraph structure, i.e., the abstract should not be structured. The use of abbreviations should be avoided. In cases where they are absolutely necessary, the meaning should be written out the first time they are used. Figures and/or tables will not be accepted. References are not necessary but may be added if the authors believe them to be essential to the understanding of the abstract, within the limit of 350 words.


5. Presentation of selected papers


5.1 Poster format

The papers should be written and presented in Portuguese.  The poster size should be a maximum of 90 cm (horizontal) x 120 cm (vertical). The title should be the same as the abstract. Use uppercase letters 3 cm high. Below the title, in smaller letters, place the names of the authors and the institution. In the text, use 0.5 cm letters that can be seen from a distance of 2 meters. Make legends for figures and tables. Present methods, results and conclusions in separate sections. The poster should be produced with string, so that it can be attached to the panel. The authors will be responsible for posting and removing the posters on the dates and times specified by the Organizing Committee. The presenter must be present on the date and time determined by the Organizing Committee for the presentation. The presentation of the approved papers will take place during the II International Conference on Medicinal Cannabis in person.


5.2 Oral presentation format

The paper will be presented in the special session "Space for Scientists" during the Conference. The rules for presentation will be sent later, along with the acceptance e-mail.


6. Certificate

6.1 The certificate will be per paper with the name of the author and co-authors. It will be available on the site and will be informed by e-mail.


7. Award

7.1 The main author of the approved papers will be awarded with 01 (one) registration to the III Conferência International da Cannabis Medicinal 2024 and the 02 (two) best papers (elected by the Evaluation Committee) will be awarded with 01 (one) registration to the III Conferência International da Cannabis Medicinal 2024 and an award to be defined by the Organizing Committee of the event.


The Award for the BEST Paper will be 03 night’s stay in a doubles room in a Hotel ____ in Fernando de Noronha /PE- Brazil.


8. General dispositions


8.1 SOCIAL AREA - Padre Ticão Award
The best work in the social area will be awarded with:
a) 1 stand at the III CICMED for the winning association
b) 1 II CICMED trophy for the winning association
c) all authors of the best work in this category will win registrations for the III
CICMED (nominal and non-transferable)


8.2 SCIENTIFIC AREA - Professor Elisaldo Carlini Award
The best work in the scientific area will be awarded with:
a) 1 II CICMED trophy for the winning work
b) all authors of the best work in this category will win registrations for the III
CICMED (nominal and non-transferable)
c) The 1st author will win
1 (one) registration for the Cannabis Specialization course
Medicinal by the Multidisciplinary Center for Cananinoid Research at Unievercidade
Hebrew of Israel. (Certified Medical Cannabis Training Course for
Health professionals)
d) The 1st author of the winning work in this category will be invited to participate as
lecturer at the III CICMED


9. General provisions
Situations that are not provided for in this regulation will be resolved jointly
by the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee

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