Overview and Update of Research and Applications of Medicinal Cannabis in Brazil and in the World
A CICMED 2023 will be the Main Scientific Event of the Americas and is characterized by the presence and participation of the most renowned Medical Cannabis physicians and scientists in the world, with technical content and scientific themes in + than 50 lectures where the main diseases treated with Medicinal Cannabis will be approached, their treatments, casuistry, methodology and results, that is, comprising + 15 medical specialties...

Scientific Commission

Scientific Commission
Vivian Dalla Colletta
Pharmacist Biochemistry
Master Student in Pharmacology
Specialist in Biotechnology
MBA Cosmetology

Scientific Commission
Flavio Geraldes alves
Pediatrician and Neuropediatrician
Master’s in Health Sciences

Scientific Commission
Gustavo Coutinho Medeiros de Andrade
Specialist in Nutrology
Pos-Graduate Student in Sports
Specialist in Geriatrics and Gerontology
Specialist in Integrative Oncology
Organizing committee

General coordinator
Breno Luz
Scientific Commission
Wilson da Silva Lessa Junior
Specialist in Psychiatry and Forensic
Professor at UFRR and UFPB
Scientific Commission
Gabriel Henrique Barbosa
Bachelor and Master’s in Biotechnology
Supervisor of R&D and Regulatory Affairs
Scientific Commission
Luzia da Silva Sampaio
Pharmacist and Clinical Analyst
Master’s asn PHD in Biological Sciences

Executive Coordinator
Enrique de Macedo Pena
For Principal Scientific Event of the Americas

Main illnesses treated with Cannabis
Degenerative Diseases
SEC in the Immune System
Injuries and Pain (athletes)
Autism (ASD)
Chronic Pain
Palliative Care and Oncology
Development of the Central Nervous System
Cancer Treatment
Homeostasis and prevention of chronic diseases
Chemical dependency treatment in anesthesia

Event's place
Frei Caneca Convention Center - 4th Floor